As one of those fans, I met Sonic 4 with initial trepidation. Some fans have become jaded and angry, to say the least. The less we speak of Shadow the Hedgehog, the better. Well, things haven't been good for the old blue wonder in a while - Sega never quite figured out how to make a game that was as tight as the old Genesis games in 3D, and some truly godawful ideas have come through the pipeline as well. While Sega has never even come close to reaching the pinnacle of the Genesis days, at least Sonic is still around. The games may have been marketed as hyperspeed platformers that left fat old Mario in the dust, but it was the ingenious multi-layered level design, unique playable characters, and of course, the legendary music that made the series what it is just as much as any 'blast processing' marketing mumbo-jumbo may have done. Sega fans had plenty of reasons to evangelize their system, the main one being Sonic the Hedgehog. Unless your parents were cool enough to have bought you both systems, you fell on either the side of the Genesis or the Super Nintendo.unless your parents hated you and bought you an Atari Jaguar. Growing up in the 16-bit era, the Nintendo-Sega rivalry was a holy war.